The new „Fine Disc“ from Able

It’s like comparing the “iPad2″ with “The new iPad” ;)

Normally I would write this article in German because of my basic english, but today I’ll try my very best. I really want to share my thoughts with everyone who gets the new disk prototype, with the guys from Able and Prima Coffee and everyone else who is interested in aeropress.

“The old Disk”:

For me the development of the first disk was a big step forward regarding aeropress and filter coffee brewing in general. I got the tool to brew a super clean cup without suffering the loss of too much body. This works best with washed coffees (e.g. Kenya, El Salvador) that have less body. The disk enables you to brew a more complex cup.

Coffees (naturals, honeys, pulped naturals) whereby a reduction of body is desirable, paper filters (Kalita, V60 etc.) work pretty well to achieve similar results. Please note: this is only a orientation for choosing your brewing equipment. More simply: The coffee itself determines the brewing method.

If you´ve ever worked with the disk, you maybe would have recognized that it has different sides. One side with smaller holes and the other side with conical ones. There are huge differences in taste comparing the sides. If you use the side with small holes inwardly, you  will savour a clear cup with a full body and less sediments. It’s just awesome! The cup whereby the holes face outwards isn´t as good, because there are a lot more sediments that result in a less cleaner cup.

While using “the good side” in everyday business I haven´t recognized only its taste advantages but even so two technical problems. First of all it is catchier to press down the aeropress with the disk. Second, small particles clog the holes with every use. (Pic2) To clean the old disk is difficult and timeconsuming. (To solve this problem we´ve installed a separate disk cleaning station at our project-brewbar)

“Fine Disk” or “The new Disk”

The new disk is really impressive; Touching it for the first time, it feels like a paper made from steel.

The disk isn´t only as thin as paper but also as easy to use as an aeropress paper filter. No more red head while pressing down!

Furthermore the holes of the new disk are so tiny that no coffee particles can clog them. Cleaning is very easy and time saving. Great! (Pic3) By the way, the new disk also has two sides, but the differences in taste are not worth mentioning

Comparing the taste of the new and the old disk you will recognize a little bit more sweetness, little more clarity and less sediments in the cup brewed with the new disk.

Overall Impression:

“The new Disk” hasn´t only a higher quantity of holes than “disk 2″; it’s the next step forward to consistency, workflow and better taste. A great instrument I love to work with.


– Paul –

Brew recipe for Fine Disk:

Inverted method

15g coffee

200g of water (94°C)

TDS 1,40

1). start the timer and pour the water on the grounds

2). stir 3 times

3). put the disk on the top (logo outwards)

4). close the aeropress and push it gently down until you see the first drops

5). after 40 to 50sec. invert the aeropress and press gently downwards

6). total brew time: 1:20 min